This capsule collection was created with much love and appreciation for the most important women in my life; my mom and my sister. My family is the main principle in my life, they are my home, my inspiration, my fuel and biggest supporters. Women represent strength, love and power and that is what I want to show with these pieces. The Sunshine necklace represents my son, I call him my sunshine since he was born and how becoming his mom has been the greatest gift and biggest challenge in my life. The Eleni pearl necklace is named after my sister, it represents elegance, love and strength just like her who is my true inspiration. The Cookie ring is named after my mother who teaches me to never settle, work hard for what I want and never stop dreaming. The Alicia Hoops are just perfection, hoop earrings are my favorite jewelry item, I have all kinds of them, small, large, thin, thick, silver and gold and the Alicia Hoops are thick, shinny and spiraled which make them my ideal and favorite hoops. Lastly the Olivia necklace named after my four legged daughter who represents the most pure and giving kind of love, who only shows gratitude and loyalty and is always in my heart. Jewelry is so special to me, it’s something that adds meaning to a simple look and also makes it your own. I hope you enjoy these pieces that were made with so much love. -Gabriela Quiñones